How to send pictures with whatsapp on bluestacks
How to send pictures with whatsapp on bluestacks

how to send pictures with whatsapp on bluestacks

This will help you to Download WhatsApp on Your Computer.įeel free to leave your valuable comments below. Sometime you have to sync your gmail account with Bluestacks to make your whatsapp contacts visible on your computer. You might have seen that your whatsapp contacts are not appearing on your computer after installing Bluestacks . If you want to install other games or app on your computer from Google Play Store, you can directly search for the app and install it.

how to send pictures with whatsapp on bluestacks

Add your number to verify and it will send you confirmation message.Verify your number for whatsapp and you have done, you can now start using whatsapp on your computer. Once you have Download WhatsApp for Laptop, you have to verify your Whatsapp messenger like you are verifying the same on your android device. Once you installed Bluestacks on your computer, you have to search for whatsapp app from search app.Once you find it, Whatsapp on PC Free Download from there. We have successfully tested bluestacks on windows however for Mac, we have not tested it. Bluestacks is available for windows and Mac. To use it, you have to download BlueStacks and install it on your computer. Bluestacks allow you to install and use android apps on your windows, not lets you to run iPhone or iPad apps on Windows. You can setup and configure your Gmail account with bluestacks to enjoy all android features on your computer. Install BlueStacks – How to Use Whatsapp on PCīluestacks is android apps player & Android emulator for computer.That allow you to setup complete android app player environment on your computer. You can use almost all apps that are available on Google Play Store like MessageMe, Skype, Facebook Messengers, Subway Surfers & all apps that you are using on your android. You can use your desktop computer as android app player after installing that software. Here we are going to suggest you software for your computer that would lets you play all android games, apps on your computer. Here we came up with how you can use WhatsApp & All Android Apps on Computer or laptop easily.

how to send pictures with whatsapp on bluestacks

There a user rana naeem has asked that how can he use whatsapp on pc. We also explained you can share your current location with other whatsapp users there.

how to send pictures with whatsapp on bluestacks

Recently we have written review about Whatsapp messenger that has been highly appreciated by so many users. Whatsapp is popular messaging plateform for smartphone users.

How to send pictures with whatsapp on bluestacks